took a risk|take a risk in English

took a chance, endangered oneself

Use "took a risk|take a risk" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "took a risk|take a risk" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "took a risk|take a risk", or refer to the context using the word "took a risk|take a risk" in the English Dictionary.

1. I'll take a risk take a chance.

2. 2 He took a calculated risk .

3. It's a risk we all take.

4. They took a risk, gambled with their reputations.

5. But he took a risk, and I love that.

6. Unfortunately, it is a risk we must take.

7. I do not want to take a risk.

8. I'll take a risk Take a chance, Make a change, And break away.

9. He took a risk, I'll grant you. But when you think about it, the risk was pretty small.

10. [ Farmer ] Took a risk turning your back on the king.

11. He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge.

12. 26 The police took a calculated risk in releasing him.

13. Anytime you meet someone new, you take a risk.

14. Crystal is worldly but willing to take a risk.

15. You have to have that quiet 'Coopetition.' " Glasper is a risk taker because someone with a different background took a risk on him

16. 24 Crystal is worldly but willing to take a risk.

17. Don't take a risk by downloading unknown software of games.

18. You have to take the risk.

19. He just took a calculated risk on the spur of the moment.

20. You take a risk each time you buy a crate of tomatoes.

21. This lecture explains risk averse, risk neutral, and risk Acceptant (risk loving) preferences in a game theoretical context

22. You take a risk by investing it all in one area.

23. But why would we take that risk?

24. You can't afford to take the risk.

25. Gordon was willing to take the risk.